Chairman: Jámbor Rudolf
Tax number: 19059624-1-04
It was founded in 1991 to
Chairman: Csernainé Gabnai Sára
Tax number: 18372087-1-04
It was founded in November 1993. In its name: 4H stands for the four English words: head, hands, heart and health, which indicates the aims of the movement, careful consideration, practicality, humanity and healthy lifestyle. The movement is free of politics; it helps teaching because of the above mentioned aims. These are nature protection extra lessons, in which the Day of Trees and Birds is already traditional. To get familiar with healthy lifestyle and healthy food presentations, competitions and exhibitions are held every year according to its members’ claim. Our drama group prepares plays for significant occasions that are introduced for the other primary school students. The club supports the children: excursion, theatre, rewards, prizes etc. Keeping its own independence the club is a member of the Hungarian 4H Clubs.