Vörösmarty Award was founded in 2004, which could be given to altogether three students in their last year. Who could win it?
- he/she reached a higher result in studying then the average, his/her grading was always above 4.5,
- he/she participated in nationwide competitions or reached a place from 1-3 on county competitions,
- his/her student-olympics or club results are significant in sport,
- his/her excellent art results raised our school’s reputation,
- his/her community mind to our school is also very important.
Giving the award by the staff is based on the proposal of a committee consist of represents of teachers and students. The prize consists of a medal and a certificate.
Award-winning students:
- 2023: Buzai Dorka (8.a), Dimák Dorottya Edit (8.a), Szűcs Letícia (8.a)
- 2022: Buzai Brúnó (8.a), Czombos Balázs (8.b), Csizmadia Róbert (8.b)
- 2021: Bárdos Botond (8.a), Bőte Dominik (8.b), Lustyik Jázmin Helga (8.b)
- 2020: Séllei Ferenc (8.a), Bárdos Balázs (8.c), Berényi Álmos (8.c)
- 2019: Albert Máté (8.a), Monostori Tamara (8.a), Tóth Nikolett (8.a)
- 2018: Irimiás Márk (8.a), Kulcsár András (8.b), Szikora Máté István (8.b)
- 2017: Bárdi Levente (8.a), Berencsi Emese (8.a), Polgár Dávid (8.a)
- 2016: Orosz Bence (8.a), Ulmann Ákos (8.b)
- 2015: Dér Dorottya Noémi (8.a), Erostyák Rebeka Sára (8.a), Kupeczki Fanni (8.a)
- 2014: Kovács Etelka (8.a), Sztakó Andor (8.c)
- 2013: Kardos Gergely (8.a), Varga Alexandra (8.a) Monostori Tamás (8.b)
- 2012: Kari Zsófia (8.a)
- 2011: Orosz Anna Boglárka (8.a), Zanócz Gréta (8.a) Lustyik Jenő (8.b)
- 2010: Farkas Réka (8.a), Petrilla Annamária (8.a)
- 2009: Nemes Mercédesz (8.a), Rési Zsófia (8.a), Jankó Barnabás (8.b)
- 2008: Olajos Zsuzsanna (8.a), Éliás Tibor (8.b), Józó Muriel (8.b)
- 2007: Elek Renáta (8.a), Zilahi Tímea (8.a), Farkas Tamás (8.b)
- 2006: Petrilla Liliána (8.a), Tóth László (8.b), Pukánszki Diána (8.c)
- 2005: Éliás Tímea (8.b), Nyilas Emese (8.b)
- 2004: Kovács Nóra (8.a), Szatmári Tamás (8.b)