Gallery 2011-2012
Wonder world [01/09/2011]
Swimming lessons [09/09/2011]
"Energy joins us" the environmental and energy saving programme of TIGÁZ [09/09/2011]
12th Lake White Day [17/09/2011]
"Oros Fairy and the Naughty Prince" opening ceremony of the exhibition of the illustrations [29/09/2011]
Vörösmarty Day [30/09/2011]
Teachers' further education - Kecskemét [14/10/2011]
Health care Day [21/11/2011]
Crane observing at Kardoskút [22/11/2011]
The exhibition of our colleague, Bartók Anikó in the Town Galery [24/11/2011]
Irregular Literture lesson [25/11/2011]
School trip to Körösök Völgye Natúrpark [29/11/2011]
Health-care day for Kindergarteners [29/11/2011]
Lower Grader Teachers' Expert Day - Open lesson [30/11/2011]
Santa Claus [06/12/2011]
Competition for Vocational Institutes in Informatics [09/12/2011]
School trip to Algyő [13/12/2011]
Results of the competition called "Christmas is coming on angels' wings" [14/12/2011]
Swimming competition, Békés [15/12/2011]
Christmas ceremony [21/12/2011]
Recyling - schooltrip to Szentes [09/01/2012]
Student-olympics - chess [20/01/2012]
Open lessons for Kindergartners [27/01/2012]
Open day [09/02/2012]
Parenting forum [09/02/2012]
Carnival-upper level st. [17/02/2012]
Curie Environmental Remembrance Competition [18/02/2012]
Our students at the Bible Competition [23/02/2012]
Carnival-lower level st. [24/02/2012]
Countywide Students' Swimming Olypics [01/03/2012]
Opening of Pirer Katalin's photo exhibition [08/03/2012]
Commemoration of 15 March [14/03/2012]
Celebrating World Water Day [22/03/2012]
Play together! - playful activities for kindergarteners [23/03/2012]
Craft activity in the museum [28/03/2012]
2nd Talents' Day in Orosháza [04/04/2012]
School trip to Szabadkígyós [12/04/2012]
Science Competition [20/04/2012]
Open-air school [20/04/2012]
Teachers' further education - Budapest [25/04/2012]
Oroshaz Week [26/04/2012]
School trip to the Castle of Wonders [28/04/2012]
Opening of Nature Photo Exhibition [10/05/2012]
Local Competition in Tale-telling [11/05/2012]
Day of Birds and Trees [11/05/2012]
County Competition in Informatics [19/05/2012]
Schooltrip to Dévaványa [15/05/2012]
Museumpedagogy: making curd [16/05/2012]
Schooltrip to Matra Hill [26/05/2012]
We were in Transylvania... [31/05/2012]
Year-end concert of the Music Department [04/06/2012]
Swimming lessons [04/06/2012]
Results of "Little Polyhistor" competition [11/06/2012]
SC Day [14/06/2012]
Fool School Leaving Ceremony [15/06/2012]
School Leaving Ceremony [16/06/2012]
Closing Ceremony of the School Year [17/06/2012]