Gallery 2013-2014
School-start ceremony [01/09/2012]
Wonder world [02/09/2013]
Swimming lessons [09/09/2013]
Student Olympics - swimming [16/09/2013]
Vörösmarty Day [27/09/2013]
Old paper collection [03/10/2013]
Remembrance of 6th October [04/10/2013]
Career show [11/10/2013]
Remembrance of 23rd October [22/10/2013]
Dr. Hoffmann Rózsa's visit in our school [08/11/2013.]
Crane observing at Kardoskút [14/11/2013]
Health care Day [25/11/2013]
Santa Claus [06/12/2013]
Competition for Vocational Institutes in Informatics [06/12/2013]
School trip to Algyő [10/12/2013]
Christmas ceremony [21/12/2013]
Student Study Olympics: chess [17/01/2014]
Foreign Language Competition [20/01/2014]
Irregular Literture lesson [24/01/2014]
Smurf-learn [29/01/2014]
Countywide Students' Swimming Olympics [05/02/2014]
Student Study Olympics: chess [10/02/2014]
Open day and Parenting forum [05/02/2014]
Our students at the Bible Competition [12/02/2014]
Carnival-upper level st. [14/02/2014]
Curie Environmental Remembrance Competition [15/02/2014]
Carnival-lower level st. [28/02/2014]
Commemoration of 15 March [14/03/2014]
School trip to the barrage system at Békésszentandrás [19/03/2014]
Our students at Imprócska Festival [22/03/2014]
4th Talents' Day in Orosháza [04/04/2014]
Science Competition [25/04/2014]
Our students at the county finals of Kaán Károly and Hermann Ottó contests [25/04/2014]
Orosházi gyermek sakkverseny [26/14/2014]
Crosscountry Individual Chess Olympics [04/05/2014]
Day of Birds and Trees [09/05/2014]
Local and Regional Competition in Drawing [09/05/2014]
Local Competition in Tale-telling [09/05/2014]
Town Science Contest [09/05/2014]
Open-air school [12/05/2014]
Országos csapat sakkverseny [16/05/2014]
County Békés ICT Competition [24/05/2014]
We were in Transylvania... [29/05/2014]
School trip to Gyomaendrőd [30/05/2014]
Herman Ottó biológia versenyen [01/06/2014]
Swimming lessons [02/06/2014]
National togetherness day [04/06/2014]
School trip to Mecsek [06/06/2014]
SC Day [12/06/2014]
Fool School Leaving Ceremony [13/06/2014]
School Leaving Ceremony [14/06/2014]
Closing Ceremony of the School Year [15/06/2014]