„oh, do not say that Books are unnecessary,
that Books are worse than Life and Mankind:
because Books are Life and live like Mankind –
that way books live in man and Man lives in Books.”
/Babits Mihály: Rhythm on books/
The TMKIT Vörösmarty Mihály Member Institute provides services settled down in the functioning rules.
The school library is the place of informational equality and democracy. Being the base institute of the knowledge based society its task is to provide
its readers and the school staff access without restrictions to the documents, information, to the values of the Hungarian and universal culture and
to support the lifelong learning.
The library favours the acquisition of knowledge with its teaching, information mediating and serving activities.
Its mission is realized with its continuously renewed documents, services according to the readers, its infrastructure and the skills of its librarian.
It has an important role in education, in the process of self learning with acquainting the library basis of information culture and with teaching
methods and technology of seeking information.
Aims of the library:
- help the teaching activities
- to assure and develop the level of professional skills with the help of technical books, publications, newspapers
- to help with widening the general knowledge of library users (students, teachers, technical employees)
- to transmit new knowledge with the help of continuously enriched holdings
Library functions:
- to supply the users with library documents that are necessary to civilization, learning, training, continuing studies, being well informed in
their profession, public and social life, to spend their free time and out of school time usefully and nicely. To achieve this library develops,
keeps, attends and gives free run to its collection continuously
- the local and/or home usage of the documents must be ensured
- to sum up, to catalogue, to explore and make available those documents that introduce the past and present of Vörösmarty Mihály Member Institute and those of Orosháza,
- to increase the students’ library and book using knowledge; so it must give place to library activities and lessons, keep in touch with the school staff and the local library
- to give place for the presentations and events which realize the above mentioned tasks
- it must provide lessons and other activities with place