This reference institute is a unique and example organization to other institutes which owns a coherent functioning system,
children centred pedagogic practices, organizational innovations and it is also adapting and able to publish and share its
advantages in its services.
Vörösmarty Mihály Member Institute has the support received through the pre-certifying process and with the help of
TÁMOP-3.1.7-1 1/2 application it would like to be a reference institute.
„Sharing the knowledge is not a possibility but our duty."
An institute using competence based educational and teaching programme is able to share its experiences, knowledge and methods have been received through
years of practical work. Our teachers have been using competence based methods since 2006, trying it in each grade with the help of teachers’ books.
We have received experiences in Comprehension, Mathematics, Social studies and ICT. We held conferences and professional days and we also participated
in such programmes. We edited a book in which we gathered our knowledge, opinions, experiences and our success. We would like to share this and make it
available to other institutes.
The fast development and spread of informational and communicational devices lead to the establishment of new economical and social formation.
The informational society brings together rural and urban societies. It results a never seen knowledge share and at the same time it gives the
possibility to everyone to reach the necessary information and by this their lives become richer. The undergoing changes affect every part of our
lives therefore the education, too. Schools must exploit it! The basic competences to use ICT devices should be available to everyone equally and the
necessary personal and material conditions have to be established even at lower levels of the institutes. We have been endeavouring to this from the
beginning and we set ourselves this aim. The enlargement of the material conditions and the spread of the devices of the ICT technology in our lessons
enriched our pedagogic methodological culture. In this our ten-year-old ICT education on both normal and higher level helps our work. We have been sharing
these experiments with others.